Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Well ... here's another one I just had to get out of my system.
"Dr. Who" also happens to be one of my favourite shows by the by.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Whew! ... I've managed to carve out a work space for my drawing down in a corner of my basement. I finished this off while dodging particles of grit and dust. Kinda felt like a character in one of those old movies where the military generals are hunkered down in a bunker, explosions going off all around, dust sifting down on them as they pour over the battle plans.
So the idea for this once again come from my favourite radio program "Coast to Coast A.M." .... thanks George!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

OK, I have a confession to make here .... I got lazy with this one. This is from my sketch book. Normally I draw a rough outline like you see here and then re-do it with straighter lines, more detail, filled in with black ink etc. etc. yadda yadda .... I sorta have this hang around the place in my housecoat and bunny slippers attitude today and it transferred to my posting ... I like it.

Over the next few weeks to couple of months my house is going to be torn up due to some extensive renovations. I'll make every effort to post something new weekly. I just won't gaurantee it. I'm going to be temporarily cut off from my "studio" and available time to create my "works of art".
Check back because you (I?) never know. I'm currently working on new stuff when I can grab a block of time as it drifts by the opening of my cave.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I've come to the bright deduction I just may have jumped the gun here. Is this poor old Cletus's finale or just the beginning for him? I suppose I could have Cletus pop up now and again anywhere I choose along the time-line of history  .... OOOooo .... now there's an idea! .... The Misadventures of Cletus, Involuntary Time Traveler .... and from "when" did this angry little alien originate?